
Cheap Alternatives To Printed Packaging

We’ve all had the business dilemma: you want your packaging to promote your product and shout your branding to the masses – but a printed box? Very expensive! Luckily, there are some alternatives which can brighten up your packaging, without the price tag! Check out our recommendations for cheap alternatives to printed packaging…

Cheap alterantives to printed packaging… our top 3 suggestions

1. Stickers

When it comes to cheap alternatives to printed packaging, stickers are probably the most cost-effective option. Look at custom printable stickers to promote your brand for a fraction of the price!

Create stickers to apply to your generic cardboard packaging; designed with your logo, contact details and company message these small-scale devices can be incredibly handy.

Custom printed stickers can include any details you like. Consider using different colour schemes and messages for different times of the year. This will allow you to change your message, promote different products or send holiday wishes, without having to pay for a full printed package revamp! When your promotion or the holiday season is over, simply switch back to your standard label.

2. Compliment slips / notecards

If you’re using cost effective generic packaging, like standard brown or white cardboard boxes, liven up your product and make your customers feel valued by incleading some custom printed compliment slips or notecards. With variable data printing, you can even address each individual compliment slip / notecard to a specific customer, making them feel valued. All this, for minimal cost!

3. Box sleeves

And finally, the most effective option to liven up generic packaging is to use a box sleeve! Box sleeve printing is much cheaper than printing an entire box, so will save you money, whilst looking attractive and appealing. A box sleeve also offers more space than a sticker or notecard, allowing you to include ingredients, QR codes, social media profiles- anything you like!

Furthermore, box sleeves also easy to store flat-pack. Simply create a few custom printed designs for different occasions or promotions and swap at will!

Check out our comparison: box sleeves vs printed boxes for more information on cheap alternatives to printed packaging.

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